Saturday, September 26, 2009

Automatic Metadata Generation - Use Cases Annotated Bibliography Wiki

An interesting annotated bibliography maintained as part of the AMG-UC project. A related post at futureArch, a blog for digital archives, on metadata themes:
  1. Subject-based
  2. Geographic
  3. Person-related
  4. Usage-related
  5. File Formats
  6. Factual
  7. Bibliographic
  8. Multilingual/Translated

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

National Endowment for the Humanities — new online database

The NEH has a new database covering all research grants going back to 1980.

Today the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) unveiled a new Funded Projects Query Form that allows visitors to search online for information on all projects funded by NEH since 1980. The form is accessible from the NEH homepage or directly at The database will be updated quarterly after new awards are made. The form has been made available as a part of NEH’s transparency efforts.

Visitors can explore the database using a variety of search terms including project director name, key words, organization, state, and award date range. Searches can also be narrowed by grant program, division, and several other fields. Search results provide project title, recipient, and award amount information. A document with answers to frequently asked questions can be found at

Source: National Endowment for the Humanities