Friday, July 29, 2011

NEH Grants for 32 Start-up Digital Humanities projects

From the web site announcement:

"The Office of Digital Humanities is happy to announce thirty-two new awards from our Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant program from our February, 2011 deadline. These awards are part of a larger slate of 249 grants just announced by the NEH."

A taxonomy of projects, many of these being test cases:

  • Using established tools and software in new ways. e.g. Pleiades software to create a gazeteer for the ancient Near East.
  • Mobile software applications. e.g. creating an application for scholarly dance notation.
  • Texts organization and analysis.
  • Plugins for established software .e.g Creating annotated video content in Omeka.
  • Putting new projects on open access content management platforms. e.g Using Drupal to establish a critical edition of the philosopher Charles Pierce's works.
  • Curriculum design for students.
  • Exhibits. 
  • Using crowdsourcing to develop tools for annotating primary sources.
  • Games to teach about subjects. e.g. American Writers Project and the Great Depression.
  • Creating new publishing models. e.g. 
  • Conferences and workshops e.g. Creating an interface for Tapas (TEI Archival Publishing and Access Service).